
Residential Conveyancing

Our firm has vast experience in guiding clients through the sale or purchase of your home or investment property. We discuss in detail the Contracts with you and liaise with all relevant professionals such as Real Estate Agents, Accountants, Pest and Building Inspectors, Surveyors and Valuers to ensure that your property transaction is carried out properly. We will advise you with regards to such issues as Stamp Duty, Land Tax, Capital Gains Tax, GST and any other relevant issues that may arise. We will also alert you to any potential taxation consequences which you would need to discuss with your accountant. Our firm deals in all types of title including Strata Title, Torrens Title, Community Title, Old System and Lease Hold. Also we are able to provide advice for developers for the registration of sub-divisions, strata title, community title and creation of easements such as rights of way, drainage and fencing, and any other restrictions on the use of land. We believe that your property transaction is an important matter and we ensure that one of our experienced Solicitors will be available to discuss this matter with you at all times.


Commercial Law

The sale or purchase of a commercial property has many complications which need to be discussed and dealt with in a professional manner. We are able to assist with issues such as GST, Capital Gains Tax, Land Tax, any relevant Leases which may be applicable to the property, and Council and planning zoning restrictions. Our firm will guide you through the sale or purchase of a commercial property and liaise with all relevant professionals to ensure that the transaction is carried out in a professional and timely manner.


Family Law and De Facto Law

The breakdown of a marriage or relationship is a difficult time and requires an experienced practitioner to ensure that the resolution of these disputes are concluded efficiently and in accordance with your instructions. Our Mr. McDonald has vast experience in this area and is also able to provide sympathetic advice to our clients and ensure that your best interests, whether it be in relation to a division of property, arrangements for children, payment of maintenance or exit strategies for businesses are handled efficiently and with you being advised of the cost of such proceedings at all stages.


Purchase and sale of businesses

Our firm has acted for many parties in the purchase and sale of businesses. This again has become a complicated area of law in recent times. Our firm assists our clients in negotiating the terms of the Contract, including any relevant Leases that may be applicable, the consideration of any transfer of Lease, transfer of Business Name of the Web domain names. The consideration of employees and their entitlements is also needed to be taken in to account, as are the relevant restrictions on trade for competing businesses. We will also advise you on issues such as GST and Capital Gains Tax. Our Mr. Argiris has also had a lot of experience in franchise businesses and our firm will liaise with Accountants, Valuers, Insurance Agents, and Real Estate Agents to ensure that the sale or purchase of your business proceeds smoothly and is concluded successfully.



Commercial Leasing, whether it be under the Retail Lease Act or under a general Commercial Lease, is an area which requires specialist advice. We will explain to you, your rights, whether it be as a Lessor or a Lessee and discuss all of the relevant terms of the Lease having regard to the nature of the tenancy and its possible consequences. Our firm will also consider the impacts of renovations to the premises, the ownership of fixtures and fittings, the maintenance of services to the premises, GST issues, insurance issues, planning and zoning requirements that may be applicable for the usage of the premises. It is our view that the terms and conditions of the Lease are imperative to the financial success of the relevant business operation and we ensure that all relevant matters are taken into account in providing advice to you regarding these arrangements.


Commercial Litigation

Unfortunately in business, disputes arise between parties regarding commercial transactions. Our firm will endeavor to resolve matters without the need for legal action, however, if that is not possible, then our firm has acted in many disputes involving contractual issues. Our firm has acted in these disputes in the Local Court, District Court, Supreme Court. We also advise clients in appropriate circumstances to seek mediation to avoid unnecessary legal action. We would also advise you with regard to obtaining relevant expert evidence, whether that be from Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Valuation, or other appropriate experts in the field to ensure the relevant evidence is available for the success of your claim.


Wills and Estate Law

The drafting of wills is an important task that needs proper advice to ensure that your wishes are properly catered for. The use of Testamentary Trust, preparing Powers of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship appointments are matters that are raised by our firm with our respective clients to ensure your beneficiaries are properly looked after in the event of death or disability. We will provide you with advice and recommendations regarding the correct procedure, the correct provisions for inclusions in your will, and if needed, alert you to any Capital Gains Tax implications or succession issues. The administration of Estates is an area that we have had vast experience in and we will work with the Executors and lead them through the process to ensure that the distribution of the Estate can be carried out in a timely and efficient manner for the benefit of the remaining family members or beneficiaries. Our firm has also acted for parties who have felt they have been left out of an Estate, and have concluded Family Provision Act claims in the Supreme Court of New South Wales to ensure that a proper provision is made for that person out of an Estate. Our firm appreciates that these matters are sensitive and require sympathetic and understanding advice to ensure that the desired outcome is achieved for all parties.


Personal Injury Law

Accidents unfortunately happen from time to time and whether it be a motor vehicle accident, a Workers Compensation claim, or a common law negligence claim. We will advise you of your rights under the relevant legislation. Our firm will assess the liability and damages elements of your claim and advise whether you would have a successful claim that can proceed. Obtaining relevant medical reports and experts reports is another area in which we will provide you with experienced advice to ensure that any claim that is commenced through the legal process has every chance at success.


Criminal Law

Unfortunately sometimes people find themselves on the wrong side of the law. In these times our firm is able to provide sound advice regarding your rights under the criminal legal system. We are able to attend police stations for the conducting of interviews to ensure that no incorrect admissions are made that would have serious consequences in any subsequent court proceedings. Our firm has represented many people, whether it be in drink driving, license appeals, assault, AVO applications, assault proceedings, and are we are also able to recommend to you the use of experienced professionals such as Medical Practitioners, Psychiatrists, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation professionals that would assist in the finalisation of your case.